While we were there, Charlie had his first finger food-- Gerbers peach puffs. We threw a couple on his highchair tray on Sunday evening, while we were having dinner. He seemed to know what to do right away, either because he thinks everything goes in his mouth anyway, or because he was watching us eat our dinner at the time, or because he's watched the older kids at daycare eat next to him so often. He's had them again a couple of times since then, and his control gets better and better. Sometimes now he even gets them into his mouth and manages to eat them without spitting them out!
Charlie got to meet his second dog, Kacy, at my grandmother's house. As with Lucy, he wanted to pet (and grab) her fur, and reached for her feet to tug on them. He continued to be fascinated with his older cousin Briana, who seemed to make him laugh and smile each time she came near.
Charlie also got to help open some more Christmas presents. As expected, he loved playing with the crinkly paper. He got to flap around some tissue paper this time, also. He took right to the books in his stocking, and jumped right on the wooden horsey scooter as if he knew what it was for!

We got the alphabet blocks that were on his wish list from the Brewoods, and those came home with us in the suitcase for sure. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the UPS packages with his other fine gifts.
While we were in Houston, we managed to get some good family pictures, with all the kids looking the same way. John has them posted on his flickr site. It was not "easy," but did seem less painful than the same exercise in Lawrence last month.

Charlie did great on the plane home-- sleeping a good part of the time. On the way down, he was fussy, but I can't blame him, since it was 100 degrees on the plane, and we had to strip off his clothes just to keep him from overheating. I was fussy myself!
We are off to Dayton this afternoon to visit Charlie's Great Aunt Debbie. She has not seen him since he was one week old. What a change she will see!
Hope everyone had a great holiday, and Happy New Year!