I am a little late with this post, but Charlie had his 12 month doctor visit on Friday last week. He measured 29.25 inches long (40th%), and weighed 23 pounds 14 ounces (70th%). His head, of course, was in the 95th%, at 19 inches! Charlie got two more shots, and everything checked out just fine. The doctor said he was really strong. We also got some advice about trying to clear up the rash on his face, so we'll see how that goes.
Our little guy is really a "climber." He loves to climb up onto anything he can, whether it be a box of diapers or the Lucy dog. This past weekend he also discovered the fun of jumping on the bed-- our bed. We had him in bed with us in the morning as we were getting ready to get up, and he decided to bounce up and down while holding onto the headboard.
He still won't eat much of anything in the meat family, but he's a big fan of fruit and crackers and yogurt. He has less and less patience for you feeding him with a spoon, because he wants to feed himself. We're working on getting him used to milk, and he's only having 4 or 5 small bottles of formula a day, instead of 5 to 7 larger ones.
We had a nice little birthday party at daycare on Charlie's birthday. Photos from that celebration, as well as the party the weekend before, are posted on our flickr sites. I hope to get birthday video out there soon. You can see video on my flickr site now of Charlie "talking" on the phone. He does not hold anything else to his mouth to talk like that, so he must really know what the phone is for, based on watching us. He has another new trick with sound-- running his fist back and forth across his open mouth while holding an "oh" sound. John taught him that one with only one try this past weekend. I think I got some video of it, so I'll have to get that posted.
There are also photos posted of Charlie out in the grass in the backyard with Lucy. This was his first time sitting in the grass, and at first he wrinkled up his face and held his arms up, parallel with the ground, as if he didn't want them to touch the grass. I guess it was prickly (it was a little long) and felt strange to him. After a while he got comfortable, and even started to pull at the blades of grass. But he never did start crawling around in it.