Monday, November 26, 2007

Big Weekend

Charlie had a big weekend. Uncle Rory visited from Florida, Charlie had his first Thanksgiving, and then we all trekked up to Cleveland for the Robenalt family Christmas, where Charlie got to meet his Great Grandfather Robenalt.

While we were away, Charlie was a bit fussy (didn't sleep at all on Friday night) and he only ate portions of several bottles. Today, at daycare, he refused bottles all day. So we took him to the doctor to make sure he didn't have an ear infection or anything like that. I had some stomach issues while in Cleveland, so I thought maybe he had something similar. But both of his ears were clear, and his belly felt fine. Once we got home from the doctor, he sucked down a couple of bottles with no problem. So hopefully whatever it was will pass quickly. It does look like his upper gums are swollen, so perhaps those teeth will be breaking through soon.

Check the photos on our flickr sites for photos from the weekend.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

6 Month Checkup

Charlie went in for his 6-month doctor visit this morning. He has put on quite a bit of weight-- he's now at the 75th percentile at 18 pounds, 11 ounces. His height is still around 50th %, at 26 1/2 inches. His head is not quite so out of normal range anymore-- 17 1/4 inches is right at 50%.

He was stuffy with what we think is a cold, but they still gave him his 3 shots that were due, plus the first half of his flu shot. We'll go back in 30 days for the other flu shot.

The doctor was impressed with how well Charlie is doing at sitting up. He also remarked that he is very strong. These things are good to know, because we have no basis of comparison.

He's been fussy this evening, we think due to the discomfort of the shots in both thighs. He's sleeping well, now, though.

Monday, November 12, 2007

We're not in Kansas anymore...

... but we were this past weekend. We went to visit the Brewoods in Olathe, and also to see Charlie's Great Grandma Knepper at the Fischers' in Lawrence. John posted photos to his flickr site from the trip, along with some 6-month photos.

Charlie was fussy through the weekend due to teething and a bit of a stuffy nose, but we made it through the flights with few issues. He loved his cousin Briana-- laughed and smiled at her the whole weekend. Nathan doesn't yet do too much to interest him, but he did try to grab at Nathan's feet and offer him a block to play with once or twice. I'm sure by the Christmas holidays they'll be more interactive with each other.

Christine and Todd played great hosts, as did the Fischers. We got some quality alone time with Charlie and Grandma, which was great. She even got to hold him on her lap for a while, until he got too wiggly. We're sure glad that Aunt Kathryn took the time to bring Grandma down for the weekend.

Charlie has also been doing well sleeping through the night. He didn't wake up to feed at all last week-- and only had a fussy moment once on Thursday night before we left for KC. He has his 6-month appointment tomorrow-- we can't wait to see how much he weighs now!