Charlie had a visitor last night. John's cousin Sarah was driving through town and stopped to see us for a couple of hours. He's quite the popular fellow!
I was cleared by my doctor to drive yesterday, and I made two trips out into the world today. One to buy a replacement bulb for our TV, and one to take Charlie to the doctor for a quick check.
We were a little concerned about the projectile spit-up that Charlie seemed to eject about every other feeding. The pediatrician's office suggested we bring him in to be sure there wasn't a reflux problem. Turns out he's doing just fine-- as long as he has no pain or discomfort when he is spitting up like that, they won't put him on baby antacids. My main concern was whether he was getting enough to eat. Between the large amounts of spitting up, and the fact that he only feeds about 10 minutes at a sitting, I was concerned about his weight gain. But it turns out he's gained at least a pound in the last two weeks, which is right on target. We go back in in one more week for his one-month visit, and I can't wait to see what he weighs then!