Charlie turned 1 week old on Monday evening, and we took some photos to remember how small he was at this particular age. Some are loaded on John's flickr site already, and I'll add mine later this week.
It's hard to believe it's only been 1 week since Charlie came into this world. So much has happened since then. On the other hand, it feels like yesterday we were driving to the hospital.
1 comment:
I love reading your posts - watching Charlie grow this past week. Wait til he's 4 and quoting Shrek potty-humor despite your best attempt to keep him from even knowing what Shrek is. Or he's 7 and coming home with notes from the teacher. You will go up to his bed when he's sleeping and TRY to imagine what it was like when he was this one week old - this small - this sweet-smelling (that goes away....) and just sort of sigh. Every stage of their lives is so interesting. Every stage just makes you love them more. It's a wonderful ride.
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