Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Plague

Charlie brought home the plague from daycare last week. Well, that's what John has been calling it, and it seems fitting. Long story short, Charlie got it on Thursday and suffered through Friday, John came down with it Saturday, and it hit me Sunday morning. I was home from work Monday, and then as soon as I felt I'd recovered, a major fever hit me that night, causing me to miss the next morning as well. Apparently this stomach virus was so bad and so contagious, that only 4 of the kids in Charlie's room showed up on Friday and 6 on Monday. It was tearing through the whole facility, even hitting the teachers. Neither John nor I can remember being so sick in many years.

Luckily, we recovered in time to use our tickets to the Cardinals-Reds game last night. But, somewhere between the car and the stadium, we lost the tickets. So, we ended up buying some from some scalpers, since we were already there. We ended up with seats about 10 rows behind the Reds Dugout, right by first base. Even with paying the scalpers, we paid less (in total, including the cost of our original tickets), for those seats than their face value. But we sure wish we knew who ended up finding our actual tickets! John got some good photos which I'm sure he'll post soon. (Unfortunately, this time the Cardinals lost.)

On another note, Charlie has started "razzing." This is his new favorite sound. I will try to post video somewhere to show everyone.

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