First, the Charlie update. His teeth seem to be bothering him less now, but the spots on his cheeks have not yet cleared up. The ointment seemed to help on one side, but the other is still nearly as red as it was before. We may see about going back to the doctor and/or going to a dermatologist.
Charlie is also starting to use his car for walking across the room. He uses the walkers at daycare quite a bit as well. Occasionally he will also take a few steps while holding on to my fingers.
On Saturday afternoon Beth took Charlie to the mall while we went to the Wine Festival. We met up with Rick and Jodi and compared notes several times during the afternoon. We were a bit disappointed in some of the places we were anxious to sample during the first hour. But by the end of the session, we think we found a couple worth looking for to buy at home. After the festival, Beth picked us up and took us to the CBA party for a couple of hours before Charlie had to go to bed and Beth had to go home to rest up for the Heart Mini Marathon the next day.
On Monday night, John went to play up in the Dayton broomball league. He came home bragging that he had again scored a goal. He is still the league leading scorer, and he only played 2 of the 3 weeks! (Click on the image below to see the details.) Now only if they would spell our name right!

On Tuesday, Beth watched Charlie so we could go to a free sneak preview showing of the new Rolling Stones movie, Shine a Light. It was pretty good, but they didn't have the sound on in the theater for the first few minutes, so I'm sure we missed a lot of good stuff. It's clear those guys are not as young as they used to be. It seems crazy to me that I went to see them 10 years ago, thinking that it might be their last tour. And they're still going!
On Wednesday night we dog sat for Tashi and Foster while John's mom went up to Dayton for Debbie's retirement celebration. There was quite a bit of commotion around, with 3 dogs and a baby, plus band practice was that night. But Foster did really well with Charlie. Charlie really liked chasing Tashi around.
On Thursday afternoon we received word that the whole family (all 5 sisters) wanted to come down and meet us for dinner to see Charlie. We met up at Chili's, and Charlie put on a show. I'm not sure he knew what to make of all those women wanting to hold him! Everyone had a nice visit.
Aunt Barbara and Uncle Pat brought Charlie a new wagon. He took to it right away when we got home. Unfortunately, Aunt Annette got stranded going home on Saturday, because she had taken Skybus from Milwaukee to Columbus. Apparently those fares (she paid $50) were just too good to sustain the airline for very long, and Friday was their last day of operation. Aunt Debbie managed to get her a ticket back home, so we hope she got home safely.
Well, the daffodils are back out again, which means it is one year since I started this blog. What a journey we've been on! Happy Spring!
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