Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy boy

Charlie has been a very busy boy. Last Sunday he spent most of the day walking around with things on his head. Didn't matter if it was a blanket or a bucket, he wanted to try it on and walk around. I guess it's just a phase.

He made several trips to the Busy Bee room this week. There he participated in some pumpkin activities, and apparently kept saying "wow." His friend Oscar has a new baby sister, born on Wednesday night, but he was still at daycare and the two got to chase each other around some.

Charlie starts his official transition to Busy Bees tomorrow. We have to take in a small pumpkin for him to use in activities this week. I'm sure he'll adjust quickly, since he's already been going down there some. He's taken to the one nap per day schedule pretty well, and has no problem sleeping on the cot. We'll have to see how drinking from a cup goes!

Charlie has been saying some new words, also. He now points to his nose and says "nos." He will also sometimes pat his belly if you ask him where it is, and most of the time he'll touch the top of his head if you ask him to. He's getting really good at saying "milk" when he wants some. He'll even go to the fridge and hang on the door handles while saying it.

Charlie seems to like spicy foods. On Friday night he had some salsa on a chip at Chilis. He sucked it all off, then handed us the chip back so we would dip it in again.

Yesterday we bought Charlie some new shoes. He's still wearing wides, now in a 5 1/2. We wanted to get him some shoes to have as an alternative to his Nike tennis shoes now that the weather is getting cold and he can't wear his sandals.

This will be another busy week for all of us. I've got a lot going on at work. But we're looking forward to taking off a couple of hours early on Friday for Halloween.

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