We've been enjoying October weekends as a time to get Charlie out and do something special before winter and the baby arrive. The weather turned very cold very fast, but has warmed back up a little. Two weeks ago we went trick-or-treating at Hallzooween. Charlie now understands how to say "trick or treat" and he's starting to associate his Tigger costume with the concept of Halloween. Now that he has eaten or played with all of the items he received during that outing, he has stated that he needs to "get some more in my pumpkin." So he's ready for next weekend for sure!
Last weekend we took advantage of free tickets to the Children's Museum and spent a couple of hours there with Charlie. He seemed to enjoy everything he saw. Of course, having a big bin of balls drop on his head was a highlight. After he had been a bit hesitant to look at a baby alligator at the Children's Zoo the week before, we were surprised when he rushed right up to be the first in line to touch a snake at the museum. He stroked and rubbed it for quite a while before declaring that he'd had enough.
Charlie stunned us while we were driving in the car, and "Strawberry Fields" came on the radio. From the backseat we heard "it's Rock Band!" He recognized the song from the Beatles Rock Band game.
Charlie has been identifying with pictures and items with relationship to his immediate family. In the clip below, he identifies each of us with one of our trashcans, by size. He has also picked us out in books and on games on John's iphone (in one case his baby brother was a cat on my lap). He's making associations to groups of people or items that he sees, and how they "match" our family makeup.
At school, Charlie has enjoyed lessons about apples and pumpkins. He really enjoyed tasting different colors of apples, making apple sauce, and planting apple seeds in cups. His favorite days are still when the librarian (Mrs. O) comes to read to them.
At home, Charlie has been getting back into coloring again, I think because we pulled out some new crayons that are a different shape. They may be easier for his hands to use now. He's also started calling me "momma" and occasionally "mom" instead of just "mommy." And we're working our way back to enjoying bath time, thanks to Diego bubble bath (although he still won't sit down in the tub). So many changes, experimenting with new things.
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