My parents came to visit for a week, and we had a great time visiting, since I was already home from the hospital with Liam. The weather was nice and mild, so we even ventured out to the zoo last Saturday with the whole family. Charlie built lots and lots of ramp structures out of blocks with both Grandma and Grandpa. And we all went out to eat for dinner one night as well.
While my parents were here, Liam had his first appointment with the pediatrician on November 3. He was back up to his birth weight of 7 lbs 4 oz. They measured him at only 20 inches long, and his head was 14 inches.
Everything appeared to be great. Since then, he's only had one real problem health-wise, which is an irritation on the skin where his leg connects to his body inside the diaper area. Some antifungal cream seems to be helping that heal. The bigger problem with Liam's diapers is that he seems to like to urinate on Mommy and Daddy while we're changing him. We are pretty sure that we've already gotten wet more times with Liam than we have ever had with Charlie to-date. One diaper change was so bad (he pooped AND peed on Daddy during it) that we had to conduct his first bath right away in the kitchen sink.
He's still so lean, we've still been using the newborn size diapers, but will likely switch to size 1 when our current supply runs out in a day or two.
I had a nice birthday dinner last Monday with John, the kids, and Beth. After having brunch with Mom and Dad at First Watch (where I had eggs with runny yolks), I had medium rare steak, a salad with gorgonzola cheese, a glass of wine and a drink before dinner at Brio. It was a wonderful treat after months of avoiding all of those foods.
John went back to work on Wednesday this past week, so I was on my own with Liam and the laundry for a few days. My sister Christine came to visit this weekend, and the weather was wonderful-- upper 60's for highs. She and I took the kids to the park so Charlie could have some time on the playground on Saturday while John tried to catch up on some work. Charlie sang some songs for Christine while she was here, including itsy bitsy spider and five little monkeys, and he enjoyed showing off his room.
Lucy has been doing really well considering all the commotion at the house. She brought me the gift of a rabbit head on Thursday morning when I let her in the house. We think that something else (possibly a coyote) caught it during the night, and Lucy just brought us the pieces. I was appropriately "pleased" all the same.
Life gets back to "normal" tomorrow, when John goes back for his first full week at work, and the visits from family are over for now. I am able to drive again at this point (although I'm still taking easy) so I won't be stranded completely here at home. Now I just have to figure out what is going wrong with my car....
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