Charlie is learning his letters and numbers, even if he won't respond on cue when you ask him what one is. He and I participated in Cincinnati Walks, for Children's Hospital, and he recited the numbers on his walker bib, even remembering them several hours later. He sometimes starts reading out letters on a box or bag just at random.
Liam had his 1 year checkup last Friday. He measured 21 lbs, 14 oz (40th%) and 31 inches tall (85th%). His head remains Robenalt-sized at 19 inches (90th%). By this age, Charlie had started to drop in the height percentiles, so again we see they are very different kids. Liam is getting 3 new teeth on top, so he's finally starting to seem more comfortable with a variety of foods.
My parents came to visit for Liam's birthday party and to share Halloween with us. I finally broke down just before they got here and turned on the heat, which I'm sure they appreciated. While they were here, they helped me take both the kids shopping for new shoes. Charlie was just a half size too small for the Darth Vader shoes that John wanted me to buy (they looked pretty cool, I must say), and Liam's choices were limited in his size for a transition shoe (suitable for a child not quite walking on his own). But we found some good shoes and had a fun time shopping.
Liam's birthday party was a small affair. I experimented with making a honey ginger lemonade as a substitute for the standard party punch, and it tasted great, despite a near disastrous accident on the stove. Charlie went with Grandma and Grandpa to pick out a balloon for Liam and came back with Curious George. Charlie helped Liam open many nice gifts, but of course Liam was most interested in the tissue paper.
Halloween was cool and crisp and the weekend's weather was very pleasant overall. Grandma and I took the kids pretty far down the street in the wagon before heading back home to warm up. Liam looked adorable as a lion, and Charlie made a great Spiderman. Before Trick-or-Treating began, Charlie and Grandpa made a jack-o-lantern, which Charlie was curious to see with "fire inside" it. We all warmed up before and after the events outside with bowls of homemade minestrone soup that we had going in the crock pot all day.
The holiday of Reese Cups has afforded us (finally!) the chance to make sure that Charlie does not have a peanut allergy. After months of trying to get him to try a peanut butter cookie here or there, he finally shared some of John's candy. Not only is he apparently not allergic, but he loves the Reese Cups and Reese Pieces (which he calls M&Ms without the Ms). It's such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore.
Liam is (still) not sleeping nearly as well as Charlie at this age. Now that we're weaning him off the formula, he's also not interested in a bottle before bed most nights. No more rocking him to sleep with a full tummy. We've recently been through a series of nights where we've had to let him cry himself to sleep for 25 minutes, then 15, then 5-- finally we're at less than a minute. He still ends up in our bed before morning quite often, so I'm not sure I'm ready to declare victory yet. Needless to say, we're looking forward to the extra hour of sleep we'll get on Saturday when the time changes back.
Liam has been doing great in swimming classes. Just one more to go before the season is over. I managed to get Charlie enrolled in the Saturday morning soccer class that we'd been trying for last term, so that will start the week after. As soon as we knew he made the class, we went out and bought him the correct sized soccer ball and some shin guards for his tiny legs. He's already excited and talking about it.
It was a momentous day in our household on Wednesday when I stopped to buy the new Toy Story 3 movie on my way home. Upon seeing the case when he came home, Charlie said in his most excited voice, "Now we don't have to go somewhere to watch this, we can watch it at home!" Seeing the movie in the theater must have made a big impression on him. I still haven't been able to sit and watch it all the way through, but I'm sure I'll have caught most of it in bits and pieces by the time a week has passed.
Charlie's potty training goes well- and then not so well. John attempted the great underpant experiment one morning this week, letting Charlie go to pre-school in big boy underwear. The underwear did not make it home. We'll keep at it, and maybe I'll have exciting news to report soon!
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