Monday, May 14, 2007

Our First Mothers' Day

Sunday was the Cincy Robenalts' first occasion to celebrate Mothers' Day, just 6 days after Charlie arrived in this world. Somehow, he managed to get word to his daddy that he wanted to buy his mommy a gift. I was surprised by a cute little card and the largest balloon I think I've ever seen. If Charlie knew what it was, it would probably scare the little guy-- it's so much bigger than him!

We also purchased a new grill yesterday, so I could have a steak dinner for Mothers' Day. Charlie and Grandma K helped John put it together (see photos). After all of that fresh air outside, Charlie slept for 5 hours straight. Of course, I only got to partly take advantage of that, because I still woke up every hour wondering why he hadn't cried out yet!

Today is John's first day back at work, and we will miss him. Tonight we celebrate Charlie's "1-week birthday."

1 comment:

Shelly Kelly said...

Happy first Mother's Day! You've certainly earned it. I'm really enjoying the photos of the whole family. It's amazing how much technology we have that we can "virtually visit" and see the baby while being thousand miles away.

Truly, you have the cutest little boy ever!! (I can say that; I only have girls!)