Monday, August 6, 2007

First "Sick" Visit

Charlie made his first "sick" visit to the doctor today. He was fine when I dropped him off at daycare at 7:30, but they called me at 11 to say they thought he had pink eye. John picked him up at 1, and by then his left eye was completely swollen shut and all goopey. We were able to get him into the doctor at 1:30, and by 3 he had his antibiotic ointment and was on the way back to mend. By the time I got home from work, he had started eating again, and his eye was half open.

Other than this small incident (it was bound to happen sooner or later), things are going well at daycare. Charlie received good reports all last week, and the extra stimulation during the day was helping him go down easier at night.

Over the weekend, we had Grandma Robenalt over for a visit on Saturday while we babysat for Oscar Piedrahita, so his parents (Ricky and Teresa) could go to a movie. Oscar did fine, enjoying our bouncy seat for much of his visit. Afterwards, we all went out to dinner. On Sunday we visited the Tunnings for brunch. I brought the ingredients for a quiche over to their rental apartment (they don't move into their house yet since relocating back from Oxford in the UK) and we caught up on all sorts of topics while we adored our babies. John got some great photos this weekend on his new camera-- see his flickr site for some of the best ones.

Tomorrow is Charlie's 3 month birthday, so we'll have to take some more photos. Hopefully his eye will be more photogenic by then!

1 comment:

Shelly Kelly said...

Awww, poor baby. Be really careful to wash your hands, or use hand san and do not touch your own face. Pink eye is icky on adults. (Guess who knows all about that!) It's really, really easy to spread.

The great news is that it clears up pretty quick with the meds.