Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A Quarter of a Year!

Charlie is 3 months old today. His pink eye was looking much better, until late this afternoon, when it was obvious that it was spreading to his other eye. About that same time, we noticed that he had suddenly lost his voice. We can barely hear him cry now. I think I will have him sleep in our room with us, lest he wake up screaming and we don't wake up because we can't hear him. We will probably keep him home from daycare another day, and possibly take him back to the doctor as well.

In the meantime, we did take some 3-month photos. I'm sure John is posting some to flickr as we speak.

As for this week's milestones, he is starting to grasp onto the bottle as you are feeding him. He also reaches out and grabs the toys on the tray of his swing. Every day, he is easier and easier to carry around in a vertical position.

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