We have had lots of fun activities in the past month. Our annual Memorial Day weekend grill out was a success and the weather held out with no rain. The next weekend Charlie went to a birthday party at Parky's Farm where he went on his first pony ride. Two weeks ago Entertaining Lucy played at Member Night at the Cincinnati Zoo. Charlie enjoyed meeting up with friends there and dancing to the music. We also had a nice visit from John's cousin Jimmy who was in town for a wedding. Last weekend Charlie went on his first carnival ride at a local church festival. After getting over some initial hesitation, he loved riding around in the little cars. We started taking Charlie to the pool at our community center this month, also.
This weekend we came to St. Louis to meet up with the Brewoods and let the cousins play together for a while, since we'll be unable to visit with them at the holidays this year. Friday night we had dinner at Imo's and went for swim at the hotel pool. Saturday we went to the Magic House, which Christine and I remember as a much smaller place from when we were kids. It's literally 10 times as big now! The area especially for younger kids was a big hit with all three, and Briana enjoyed some of the other areas that did not hold Charlie or Nathan's interest. After lunch at Lion's Choice and an afternoon nap, we visited the playground at Faust Park and went for another swim after dinner.
Charlie is still a big fan of his cousin Briana. This weekend he kept repeating words and phrases that she would say. He listens to her so intently, and she loves to help instruct him. Yesterday she tried to teach him the names of colors while they played with blocks. Charlie has also started calling Nathan by name, and enjoyed sharing his puppets with him, in exchange for playing with Nathan's cars.
Charlie has some new favorite phrases, including variations of "3-2-1 blast-off!" It started mostly as "Six! Nine! Blast-off!" but has gotten closer and closer to actual counting. He's been making new friends at daycare, since Gustavo moved up to a pre-school room and Charlotte and Oscar moved to other centers. Charlie and Lucy are also developing a closer relationship. Phrases such as "Lucy play" are starting to filter in with the usual "move dog." Charlie likes to pet Lucy and rub her head, and sometimes gives her hugs. But he still tries to stand on her to get onto the couch sometimes.
Charlie's favorite foods are still hot dogs, yogurt, and pizza, along with most fruits. But the other night we hit a milestone when he said "yummy turkey!" He still does not like to eat it on a sandwich, but I'm happy if he'll eat it at all.
Happy Fathers Day to all the daddies out there. We'll be enjoying ours in the car ride home from St. Louis.
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