Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Feet/ Happy Sleep

Charlie was a penguin tonight for Halloween. We visited the neighbors on both sides, then sat at home to hand out candy. I assume because of the extra daylight due to the delay of the end of daylight savings time, and the warm weather, we had more trick-or-treaters than normal (and we usually have 75-100). I was sure glad I had those extra bags of candy just in case. Luckily, we did not have to break into the emergency pack of Crunch Crisps, which are John's new favorite.

Charlie has (knock on wood) slept through the last three nights without any early morning feedings. He's also been going down more in the 8-9pm timeframe, about an hour earlier than he had been. That leaves more time for me to take care of things like laundry and dishes (and blogging!) He's been eating the solid foods like crazy-- we found out he likes squash, and even peas are going down easier now that he's used to the solids in general. At daycare they've given him some real (not pureed babyfood) banana, and he loved that, too!

The band is practicing hard this week for the upcoming gig at Liars Club. They will play there once more in December to round out the year. They've also booked a date in January. Brian is quickly breaking in his new guitar. Photos from the gig last week at Monty's are on my flickr site, the (new) EntertainingLucy flickr site, and

I've posted some of the Halloween photos on flickr already-- so enjoy our happy little penguin!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Movin' on Up

Charlie has officially moved into size 3 diapers as of Friday. The size 2-3 did not last very long-- they were fine around the legs, but his belly has gotten to full for the tabs to reach around the waist. He's also moved up to using the stroller without the carseat pretty much 100% of the time. We're having to strap him in now, too-- he's mobile enough to try and wiggle out of it! We're thinking he's about 18 pounds now-- can't wait until his 6 month appointment (the second week of November) to find out his official measurements.

I am thinking that the solid foods we've introduced are helping him to bulk up-- especially the cereal. He chows down on the oatmeal, especially if you mix a spoonful of bananas in. He seemed to like green beans, which were the most recent vegetable we've introduced.

I've posted some recent photos on my flickr site, including some of Charlie with Lucy. The two of them are really getting along well. Charlie still smiles and laughs when Lucy walks by, and also when she licks his face or hand. Lucy seems less jealous every day, and gets excited when she sees me carry Charlie in the house in his car seat.

I've also posted photos of Entertaining Lucy's gig from this past week. They're practicing now for their show this coming Saturday, which is likely the last one before the holidays.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bananas and Carrots

Charlie seems to like Carrots, and he LOVES bananas. We're working our way through the fruits and veggies, trying something new every few days.

Charlie's other passion right now is textures. He loves to stroke John's beard, pet Lucy, and scratch at the mat under his play gym. His current favorite book is a cloth book that has different textures to feel on each page.

We still don't know for sure what color his eyes will be in the long term. Some days they look fairly brown, but other days they still seem to have some blue or grey in them.

His hair, however, is definitely blond for now. And it takes after his daddy's-- sticks straight up most of the time! They've started nicknaming him Spike at the daycare.

In other family news, John's band (Entertaining Lucy) is playing at a new spot this week. We look forward to the non-smoking atmosphere (this location is in Ohio, not Kentucky).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Going the other way

Charlie finally rolled over from his tummy to his back this evening while laying under his play gym. In fact, he did it twice. The first time, he seemed a little shocked, and looked at me as if to say "what just happened?"

I'm sure it will still be a few days before he is freely rolling to and fro, but this is a major step.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Turning Point (no pun intended!)

Last night, Charlie demonstrated his proficiency with rolling over-- at least one direction. He now freely rolls over from his back to his front. Now if only he'd figure out the other direction! After a good amount of time on his belly, he invariably gets tired of holding his head up, and then he gets frustrated. For two nights in a row now, I've gone in to find him rolled over and sleeping on his stomach. Apparently he'd been napping that way occasionally at daycare, but I'd not yet seen it happen at home.

Today we had another milestone. On Charlie's daily report from daycare, it noted that he had two teeth! We had noticed that he was drooling a lot, trying to eat his fists, and playing with his tongue over his lips. So we figured it would be soon. But we had not yet noticed the bottom teeth starting to poke out. You can't really see them too well yet, but you can definitely feel them. Maybe that's why he was so fussy last night!

Charlie is still doing really well with the thick oatmeal in the evenings at home. We will probably let him try some veggies this weekend.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Five Months Old!

Well, let's see. So much has happened in the last week. Charlie tried some applesauce, but did not like it much better than the rice cereal. We're going to try some oatmeal next, then some veggies. It continues to be hit or miss with whether he'll eat the rice cereal.

Charlie is also starting to sit up a little on his own, as long as we're there to catch him if he falls. Early last week he would lean forward until his nose eventually would touch the ground in front of him. By the end of the week he knew to put his hands in front of him to catch himself. It helps if a toy is in front of him for him to reach for, or if he is interested in reaching for his toes.

He's still very close to rolling over on his own. He gets nearly there-- except his one arm is not positioned correctly so that he can prop himself up and raise his head. It gets pinned under him instead.

Charlie also continues to be better with his coughing, as long as we give him the breathing treatment each night. He's back to his chatty self, and he's putting on lots of weight-- got a big belly now. We had to move him up to size 2-3 diapers on Sunday.

On Friday last week, we had our first parent teacher conference at the daycare. We reviewed Charlie's lesson plans with Mary, and went over a few other policies and procedures. She suggested some things we could work on with him at home.

We were a day late with our 5 month photos-- we took them last night, and will get them posted soon. John will also post photos of our visit to the Zimmermans' up in Columbus.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Roly Poly

Today while napping at daycare, Charlie turned over in his sleep and rolled onto his tummy for the first time (unassisted). I still have not seen him do it myself.

This has been a week of firsts. On Friday night, Charlie had his first paid babysitter. John and I went out for our 5th anniversary, to one of our favorite "fancy" restaurants-- Carlo and Johnny's. The food was delicious, and we enjoyed our first meal together without Charlie in a very long time.

On Saturday, we noticed him sucking his thumb for the first time. He's always been fond of sucking on two or three fingers at a time, sometimes trying to put his whole fist in his mouth. But he has finally found his thumb. He's not yet making a fist while sucking it, so it looks kind of like he's making a rude gesture when he does it!

Last night he reached out to "pet" Lucy for the first time. Lucy, as usual, was very tolerant of little wandering hands. Again this evening he smiled at her when she was at close range, and reached out to feel her fur.

Charlie's cough is also getting better, so it seems the breathing treatments have done some good. We are only giving them at night now, and we leave his inhaler at daycare in case they notice him wheezing during the day.