Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Roly Poly

Today while napping at daycare, Charlie turned over in his sleep and rolled onto his tummy for the first time (unassisted). I still have not seen him do it myself.

This has been a week of firsts. On Friday night, Charlie had his first paid babysitter. John and I went out for our 5th anniversary, to one of our favorite "fancy" restaurants-- Carlo and Johnny's. The food was delicious, and we enjoyed our first meal together without Charlie in a very long time.

On Saturday, we noticed him sucking his thumb for the first time. He's always been fond of sucking on two or three fingers at a time, sometimes trying to put his whole fist in his mouth. But he has finally found his thumb. He's not yet making a fist while sucking it, so it looks kind of like he's making a rude gesture when he does it!

Last night he reached out to "pet" Lucy for the first time. Lucy, as usual, was very tolerant of little wandering hands. Again this evening he smiled at her when she was at close range, and reached out to feel her fur.

Charlie's cough is also getting better, so it seems the breathing treatments have done some good. We are only giving them at night now, and we leave his inhaler at daycare in case they notice him wheezing during the day.

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