Friday, October 12, 2007

Turning Point (no pun intended!)

Last night, Charlie demonstrated his proficiency with rolling over-- at least one direction. He now freely rolls over from his back to his front. Now if only he'd figure out the other direction! After a good amount of time on his belly, he invariably gets tired of holding his head up, and then he gets frustrated. For two nights in a row now, I've gone in to find him rolled over and sleeping on his stomach. Apparently he'd been napping that way occasionally at daycare, but I'd not yet seen it happen at home.

Today we had another milestone. On Charlie's daily report from daycare, it noted that he had two teeth! We had noticed that he was drooling a lot, trying to eat his fists, and playing with his tongue over his lips. So we figured it would be soon. But we had not yet noticed the bottom teeth starting to poke out. You can't really see them too well yet, but you can definitely feel them. Maybe that's why he was so fussy last night!

Charlie is still doing really well with the thick oatmeal in the evenings at home. We will probably let him try some veggies this weekend.

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