Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Feet/ Happy Sleep

Charlie was a penguin tonight for Halloween. We visited the neighbors on both sides, then sat at home to hand out candy. I assume because of the extra daylight due to the delay of the end of daylight savings time, and the warm weather, we had more trick-or-treaters than normal (and we usually have 75-100). I was sure glad I had those extra bags of candy just in case. Luckily, we did not have to break into the emergency pack of Crunch Crisps, which are John's new favorite.

Charlie has (knock on wood) slept through the last three nights without any early morning feedings. He's also been going down more in the 8-9pm timeframe, about an hour earlier than he had been. That leaves more time for me to take care of things like laundry and dishes (and blogging!) He's been eating the solid foods like crazy-- we found out he likes squash, and even peas are going down easier now that he's used to the solids in general. At daycare they've given him some real (not pureed babyfood) banana, and he loved that, too!

The band is practicing hard this week for the upcoming gig at Liars Club. They will play there once more in December to round out the year. They've also booked a date in January. Brian is quickly breaking in his new guitar. Photos from the gig last week at Monty's are on my flickr site, the (new) EntertainingLucy flickr site, and

I've posted some of the Halloween photos on flickr already-- so enjoy our happy little penguin!

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