Charlie's surgery on the 21st went well. We don't yet have results back from the biopsy of the rash on his face, but he was a trooper through the whole ordeal. He made it through the morning with minimal frustration, despite not being able to eat or drink until after the procedure.
He was very curious about everything at the hospital-- wanted to know what was behind all the doors. After the procedure, he seemed to recover well. He did not like the bandaid on his foot where they removed the IV, but once we got that off and were headed out the door he was fine. He was a little wobbly from the anesthesia the rest of the day, but was in a fairly good mood, and didn't seem to notice the small steri-strip on his cheek, just under his right eye. In fact, it was at least a day later when he happened to see it in the mirror while washing his hands. He just said "uh-oh," tried to point at it, and that was about all he had to say about it.
Between the surgery and having been away from us and out of his routine while we went on vacation, Charlie had trouble sleeping that first week back from his stay in Cleveland. He would wake up in the night and call for us, as if to make sure we were still there. And he wanted us to sit in the room with him as he fell asleep. By the end of the week, we told him that he had to go to sleep by himself, to show he was a big boy and ready to move into his new room.
By last Sunday, we were ready for Charlie to try sleeping in his new room. Between having had a very busy day (including a play date with Oscar and Mia at Sharon Woods park), and staying up a little later than usual, he was very tired at bedtime and went down smoothly in the new bed. We were sure it wouldn't last, but he slept through the night, and continued to do so all week. We are sure that the time we spent with him playing the room and having him in there while we worked on setting it up helped him become accustomed to the surroundings.
About a week ago, Charlie asked me "why" for the first time that I can remember. Not sure where he picked that up, or if he really understands the question. Like a lot of things he says, it might just be a reaction-- what he thinks he is supposed to say. We'll see if he continues to be inquisitive like this.
I continue to laugh at Charlie's mixed up songs. One of his favorites is "A-B-C- ashes- all fall down!" The other day I could tell he was trying to sing about the itsy bitsy spider, including some of the hand motions, but he only had some of the words down. He loves to dance, and has been begging every day to watch "move-it move-it"-- he wants to dance to the music on the credits for Madagascar 2.
Most of the time now, Charlie wants to dress and undress himself-- even though he still needs a little help. "I wanna do it" is a commonly uttered phrase.
I'm sure there is more that I have missed. Next time I will try to get back on here before I forget what I wanted to write!
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