Our curious little boy has continued to ask "why?" over and over again in several conversations per day. "What's that, Mommy?" is another common question.
We had a busy week this past week. I took Charlie to the baseball game for a work event on Friday, but he was mostly interested in watching the boats go up and down the river behind the stadium. He talked all day about going to the baseball game, but the game itself just didn't hold his attention. He did spend some time looking at some of the players, and we talked about how they had gloves and hats and shoes just like Charlie.
On Saturday we spent several hours at the mall so John could buy some new clothes and shoes for work, and we had a delicious dinner at Maggiano's. On Sunday Charlie got to have play time with both Connor in the morning and Cora in the evening at the ice rink while John played a pickup game of broomball. He ran and ran and ran and wore himself out.
Tonight John is at the ATP tournament watching some tennis, and Charlie and I are going to bed early. It's been a tiring few days!
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