I have notes on a dozen or so little things that I want to journal here on this blog soon, but I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and get it all together-- all the cute things Charlie has said or done, the birthday parties we've gone to, the way Liam is eating like a horse. But it occurred to me today that it might be interesting to shed light on my daily life by describing the current contents of my car.
Umbrellas. One large IKEA umbrella for me, one small froggie umbrella for Charlie (which he invariably takes apart if you let him hold it on the way to school). Got to have these in the car all the time, because I can't be expected to remember to bring one when rain is predicted. Not along with Charlie's backpack, Liam's bottles, the diaper bag, my laptop, my purse, and a change of shoes or whatever else I'm needing for the day.
Balls. One old cracked broomball that we let Charlie play with, and one small Ohio State football that we gave Charlie for Christmas. We let Charlie bring them with him for the car ride once upon a time, and now there they sit, on the floor of the backseat. They are buddies with the rubber fire truck bath toy that they share the space with.
A magazine. For kids. Taken by Charlie to look at on the way to school one day, before he decided that he would give it to me, so I could "look at it at work." If only I had the time-- a few pictures of cute little animals might give me some calming peace in the middle of my hectic day.
CD cases. One for a kiddie music CD, one for the book on CD that I've been listening to when the kids are not in the car. Because that is the only way I get to read books these days. (I've been in the middle of the same paperback since February.)
Cookies. A bag of mini Lorna Doones, to be exact, sitting on the front seat in case I pick up Charlie from school and he looks up at me and asks "you got something for me to eat?" Because I am, after all, put on this earth to make sure that Charlie is never hungry or thirsty, even for 10 seconds.
Reusable grocery bags. Lots of them. All over the trunk. If I don't keep them in the car, I'll forget to take them to the store.
A pacifier. Liam must have had 7 of them at daycare, so they sent an extra one home with me the other day when I dropped off. And now there it sits, in my cup holder. Maybe I'll leave it there for emergencies. For me. When I think I'm going cuckoo and want to cry.
The car is currently free of empty Starbucks cups, and at least the floor is not completely covered with goldfish crackers or fruit loops, but I still feel like I drive around in clutter all of the time. I was never a person who had a lot of items in my car-- until I became a busy working mother of two.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Officially a PreSchooler
Charlie is now officially a preschool student. He made it through his transition this week rather smoothly. In his new room, they just started a unit on "Family." Charlie named the members of his family, but sadly, left out Lucy, apparently. When asked what he likes to do with his family, he said "play games." Funny, until getting three board games for his birthday, I am not so sure that would have been his response! But he sure does like them, even if he only has the patience to get half way through. Gifts like the Star Wars sheets and pajamas that we were so excited to give him didn't even get a second look. He just set those aside. But I can understand-- trumped by toys!
Charlie talks about wanting to be with his friends in the toddler room, and I'm sure he'll miss them, but he seems to be acclimating well to his new surroundings and all the routines of the new room. He talks a lot about the big playground he gets to play on now, and the fact that in preschool, you leave your shoes on when you nap ("That's silly!" he says.) Tonight he came home, held up seven fingers, and talked about how there are seven days in the week. He couldn't tell us what day it was today, but he was obviously excited about the new things he's learning.
Liam has been home the remainder of the week with his diarrhea. John and I alternated days working from home, and remained semi-productive. Today was a pretty good day-- almost solid diapers. I jumped ahead of my plan this week and fed Liam bananas (I'd not yet worked my way through all of the veggies, and had not planned to start the sweet fruits quite yet) and although they took some getting used to, he was gulping them down eagerly by last night. Bananas were always one of Charlie's favorites.
I'm looking forward to date night at the baseball game tomorrow, and then we have two more 3-year-old birthday parties to attend on Sunday. It will be another busy weekend.
Charlie talks about wanting to be with his friends in the toddler room, and I'm sure he'll miss them, but he seems to be acclimating well to his new surroundings and all the routines of the new room. He talks a lot about the big playground he gets to play on now, and the fact that in preschool, you leave your shoes on when you nap ("That's silly!" he says.) Tonight he came home, held up seven fingers, and talked about how there are seven days in the week. He couldn't tell us what day it was today, but he was obviously excited about the new things he's learning.
Liam has been home the remainder of the week with his diarrhea. John and I alternated days working from home, and remained semi-productive. Today was a pretty good day-- almost solid diapers. I jumped ahead of my plan this week and fed Liam bananas (I'd not yet worked my way through all of the veggies, and had not planned to start the sweet fruits quite yet) and although they took some getting used to, he was gulping them down eagerly by last night. Bananas were always one of Charlie's favorites.
I'm looking forward to date night at the baseball game tomorrow, and then we have two more 3-year-old birthday parties to attend on Sunday. It will be another busy weekend.
Monday, May 10, 2010
We have a 3 year old!
Charlie turned 3 last Friday. It was his last full day in his toddler room at daycare before he began the transition to preschool on Monday. John and I took off work a little early and visited his room at afternoon snack time to have a party with pudding and sprinkles. Charlie very proudly served his other friends, but then sat at a table all by himself to eat his pudding.
After the pudding party, we headed home to open some presents before going to dinner. We opened presents that had been mailed in from family. Charlie received a super hero version of Chutes & Ladders, which he dubbed "the ladder shooting game." He chose corn dogs for dinner, so we went to BW3 so John could watch the Cavs game while we ate. After getting the kids home to bed, John headed off to see Iron Man 2 with friends, and I went to bed early!

Saturday morning brought Charlie's weekly swim lesson, and that afternoon was his birthday party, also at Kids First Sports. He had a great time running and jumping and climbing all over the place. He wasn't much for the rope swings, and he would not go on the giant inflatable slide, but he loved everything else, from the rings to the trampolines to the balance beam.

After playing in the gym for about an hour, we had pizza, cake, and ice cream in one of the party rooms. Charlie needed help to blow out the 3 stubborn candles on his slice of cake, but he got the job done. We concluded with presents and said goodbye to all of our friends.
On Sunday we went to the zoo with Connie for Mothers Day. Dora and Diego were making appearances to celebrate the new 4D movie that was playing. Charlie and I went in and saw the movie, which Charlie fully enjoyed. It was his first "real" movie theater experience, and I wasn't sure how he'd do with the 3D glasses. But he's still talking about how we got wet in the waterfall, and had to push the button on the remote that appeared to be floating out in front of us. We enjoyed trying to find all of the zoo babies, and saw several animals out that we had not seen in a while. Charlie came home with a stuffed Swiper the fox that we bought after the movie.

While we were at the zoo, Liam had a blowout diaper. By the end of the day, he'd changed clothes 5 times. I thought it was the new cereal we were feeding him, but turns out he likely has a virus. They called and sent him home Monday afternoon from daycare, and we haven't gotten his symptoms down long enough yet to send him back. Unfortunately, this means he is missing picture days. I was looking forward to seeing what sort of shots they would be able to get of the boys together.
After the pudding party, we headed home to open some presents before going to dinner. We opened presents that had been mailed in from family. Charlie received a super hero version of Chutes & Ladders, which he dubbed "the ladder shooting game." He chose corn dogs for dinner, so we went to BW3 so John could watch the Cavs game while we ate. After getting the kids home to bed, John headed off to see Iron Man 2 with friends, and I went to bed early!
Saturday morning brought Charlie's weekly swim lesson, and that afternoon was his birthday party, also at Kids First Sports. He had a great time running and jumping and climbing all over the place. He wasn't much for the rope swings, and he would not go on the giant inflatable slide, but he loved everything else, from the rings to the trampolines to the balance beam.
After playing in the gym for about an hour, we had pizza, cake, and ice cream in one of the party rooms. Charlie needed help to blow out the 3 stubborn candles on his slice of cake, but he got the job done. We concluded with presents and said goodbye to all of our friends.
On Sunday we went to the zoo with Connie for Mothers Day. Dora and Diego were making appearances to celebrate the new 4D movie that was playing. Charlie and I went in and saw the movie, which Charlie fully enjoyed. It was his first "real" movie theater experience, and I wasn't sure how he'd do with the 3D glasses. But he's still talking about how we got wet in the waterfall, and had to push the button on the remote that appeared to be floating out in front of us. We enjoyed trying to find all of the zoo babies, and saw several animals out that we had not seen in a while. Charlie came home with a stuffed Swiper the fox that we bought after the movie.
While we were at the zoo, Liam had a blowout diaper. By the end of the day, he'd changed clothes 5 times. I thought it was the new cereal we were feeding him, but turns out he likely has a virus. They called and sent him home Monday afternoon from daycare, and we haven't gotten his symptoms down long enough yet to send him back. Unfortunately, this means he is missing picture days. I was looking forward to seeing what sort of shots they would be able to get of the boys together.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Two big boys!
My boys are getting so big! Late last week we made a trip to the pediatrician. Charlie had his 3 year visit, and Liam his 6 months. Liam weighed 18 lbs 4 oz (55th%), and was 26 3/4 in (70th%). His head measured 17 3/4 in (80th%). Charlie was 32 lbs (75th%) but only 35 1/4 in (10th%). He sure looks lean, though, despite how the percentiles would make you think. Both were in good health. Liam likely has eczema (mainly on his forehead), but I was told how to treat it so it is not too uncomfortable.
I took Charlie to the Butterfly Show on Saturday, thinking that it would be a great treat for him, spending some time alone with Mommy. And I was looking forward to taking some good pictures. It was predicted to be a rainy weekend, so it seemed a good indoor activity for the day. Charlie enjoyed the orchid room at the conservatory, and was somewhat interested in the cactus plants in the desert room. But when we got to the butterfly area, he was ready to leave within 30 seconds. He clung to me, wanted to be picked up, and said he was "ready to go now." So our visit was short. Luckily, I bought the pin instead of a one-day ticket, so I can go back later to get my photos.
Sometime in the past couple of weeks, since we got some M&Ms in an Easter basket, Charlie has realized that he likes them very much. For some reason, he is mixing up "letters" and "numbers" and calls the M&M's "numbers" because they have "numbers" on them. Similarly, the other day, he asked to wear his Miami t-shirt, by calling it "the one with the numbers." At least he realizes the shapes mean something-- he just thinks letters are numbers (and maybe vice versa?)
Charlie has also decided that he wants his bed put back to the smaller toddler size. He's been sleeping on the floor for the past week, apparently because he does not like the bigger bed. John plans to set it back to the smaller size this weekend.
I can't believe my little guy is almost 3! We're looking forward to celebrating his birthday at daycare this Friday, and then at his party on Saturday. I wish more of his friends from daycare were able to attend the party, but he'll have fun no matter what.
Liam is growing fast as well. He loves to try and stand up (with us holding his hands, of course). About 10 days ago he rolled over from his back to his front and back again for the first time. Occasionally now he'll roll halfway over on to his side while sleeping. But when he wakes up like that, he's usually confused and upset by it. He loves to sit in the bouncy seat, but instead of kicking it like crazy to get the lights and sound to go (as Charlie used to do), he rocks it with his shoulders until it is almost going like a rocker or a swing. He loves his big brother Charlie, and smiles and laughs whenever he sees him.

Liam is much more the thumb sucker than Charlie ever was. He also likes the Nuk pacifiers, and won't touch the Soothies that were Charlie's favorite. He is a very smiley baby, and usually only fusses when he's cold or hungry. What we thought was the start of teething last month was apparently just side effects of his cough or something else. Still no teeth have appeared. Just another way he's different from Charlie-- Charlie had a good start on teeth by the time he was 6 months old.
I took Charlie to the Butterfly Show on Saturday, thinking that it would be a great treat for him, spending some time alone with Mommy. And I was looking forward to taking some good pictures. It was predicted to be a rainy weekend, so it seemed a good indoor activity for the day. Charlie enjoyed the orchid room at the conservatory, and was somewhat interested in the cactus plants in the desert room. But when we got to the butterfly area, he was ready to leave within 30 seconds. He clung to me, wanted to be picked up, and said he was "ready to go now." So our visit was short. Luckily, I bought the pin instead of a one-day ticket, so I can go back later to get my photos.
Sometime in the past couple of weeks, since we got some M&Ms in an Easter basket, Charlie has realized that he likes them very much. For some reason, he is mixing up "letters" and "numbers" and calls the M&M's "numbers" because they have "numbers" on them. Similarly, the other day, he asked to wear his Miami t-shirt, by calling it "the one with the numbers." At least he realizes the shapes mean something-- he just thinks letters are numbers (and maybe vice versa?)
Charlie has also decided that he wants his bed put back to the smaller toddler size. He's been sleeping on the floor for the past week, apparently because he does not like the bigger bed. John plans to set it back to the smaller size this weekend.
I can't believe my little guy is almost 3! We're looking forward to celebrating his birthday at daycare this Friday, and then at his party on Saturday. I wish more of his friends from daycare were able to attend the party, but he'll have fun no matter what.
Liam is growing fast as well. He loves to try and stand up (with us holding his hands, of course). About 10 days ago he rolled over from his back to his front and back again for the first time. Occasionally now he'll roll halfway over on to his side while sleeping. But when he wakes up like that, he's usually confused and upset by it. He loves to sit in the bouncy seat, but instead of kicking it like crazy to get the lights and sound to go (as Charlie used to do), he rocks it with his shoulders until it is almost going like a rocker or a swing. He loves his big brother Charlie, and smiles and laughs whenever he sees him.
Liam is much more the thumb sucker than Charlie ever was. He also likes the Nuk pacifiers, and won't touch the Soothies that were Charlie's favorite. He is a very smiley baby, and usually only fusses when he's cold or hungry. What we thought was the start of teething last month was apparently just side effects of his cough or something else. Still no teeth have appeared. Just another way he's different from Charlie-- Charlie had a good start on teeth by the time he was 6 months old.
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