I took Charlie to the Butterfly Show on Saturday, thinking that it would be a great treat for him, spending some time alone with Mommy. And I was looking forward to taking some good pictures. It was predicted to be a rainy weekend, so it seemed a good indoor activity for the day. Charlie enjoyed the orchid room at the conservatory, and was somewhat interested in the cactus plants in the desert room. But when we got to the butterfly area, he was ready to leave within 30 seconds. He clung to me, wanted to be picked up, and said he was "ready to go now." So our visit was short. Luckily, I bought the pin instead of a one-day ticket, so I can go back later to get my photos.
Sometime in the past couple of weeks, since we got some M&Ms in an Easter basket, Charlie has realized that he likes them very much. For some reason, he is mixing up "letters" and "numbers" and calls the M&M's "numbers" because they have "numbers" on them. Similarly, the other day, he asked to wear his Miami t-shirt, by calling it "the one with the numbers." At least he realizes the shapes mean something-- he just thinks letters are numbers (and maybe vice versa?)
Charlie has also decided that he wants his bed put back to the smaller toddler size. He's been sleeping on the floor for the past week, apparently because he does not like the bigger bed. John plans to set it back to the smaller size this weekend.
I can't believe my little guy is almost 3! We're looking forward to celebrating his birthday at daycare this Friday, and then at his party on Saturday. I wish more of his friends from daycare were able to attend the party, but he'll have fun no matter what.
Liam is growing fast as well. He loves to try and stand up (with us holding his hands, of course). About 10 days ago he rolled over from his back to his front and back again for the first time. Occasionally now he'll roll halfway over on to his side while sleeping. But when he wakes up like that, he's usually confused and upset by it. He loves to sit in the bouncy seat, but instead of kicking it like crazy to get the lights and sound to go (as Charlie used to do), he rocks it with his shoulders until it is almost going like a rocker or a swing. He loves his big brother Charlie, and smiles and laughs whenever he sees him.
Liam is much more the thumb sucker than Charlie ever was. He also likes the Nuk pacifiers, and won't touch the Soothies that were Charlie's favorite. He is a very smiley baby, and usually only fusses when he's cold or hungry. What we thought was the start of teething last month was apparently just side effects of his cough or something else. Still no teeth have appeared. Just another way he's different from Charlie-- Charlie had a good start on teeth by the time he was 6 months old.
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