After the pudding party, we headed home to open some presents before going to dinner. We opened presents that had been mailed in from family. Charlie received a super hero version of Chutes & Ladders, which he dubbed "the ladder shooting game." He chose corn dogs for dinner, so we went to BW3 so John could watch the Cavs game while we ate. After getting the kids home to bed, John headed off to see Iron Man 2 with friends, and I went to bed early!
Saturday morning brought Charlie's weekly swim lesson, and that afternoon was his birthday party, also at Kids First Sports. He had a great time running and jumping and climbing all over the place. He wasn't much for the rope swings, and he would not go on the giant inflatable slide, but he loved everything else, from the rings to the trampolines to the balance beam.
After playing in the gym for about an hour, we had pizza, cake, and ice cream in one of the party rooms. Charlie needed help to blow out the 3 stubborn candles on his slice of cake, but he got the job done. We concluded with presents and said goodbye to all of our friends.
On Sunday we went to the zoo with Connie for Mothers Day. Dora and Diego were making appearances to celebrate the new 4D movie that was playing. Charlie and I went in and saw the movie, which Charlie fully enjoyed. It was his first "real" movie theater experience, and I wasn't sure how he'd do with the 3D glasses. But he's still talking about how we got wet in the waterfall, and had to push the button on the remote that appeared to be floating out in front of us. We enjoyed trying to find all of the zoo babies, and saw several animals out that we had not seen in a while. Charlie came home with a stuffed Swiper the fox that we bought after the movie.
While we were at the zoo, Liam had a blowout diaper. By the end of the day, he'd changed clothes 5 times. I thought it was the new cereal we were feeding him, but turns out he likely has a virus. They called and sent him home Monday afternoon from daycare, and we haven't gotten his symptoms down long enough yet to send him back. Unfortunately, this means he is missing picture days. I was looking forward to seeing what sort of shots they would be able to get of the boys together.
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