Friday, May 28, 2010

The contents of my car

I have notes on a dozen or so little things that I want to journal here on this blog soon, but I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and get it all together-- all the cute things Charlie has said or done, the birthday parties we've gone to, the way Liam is eating like a horse. But it occurred to me today that it might be interesting to shed light on my daily life by describing the current contents of my car.

Umbrellas. One large IKEA umbrella for me, one small froggie umbrella for Charlie (which he invariably takes apart if you let him hold it on the way to school). Got to have these in the car all the time, because I can't be expected to remember to bring one when rain is predicted. Not along with Charlie's backpack, Liam's bottles, the diaper bag, my laptop, my purse, and a change of shoes or whatever else I'm needing for the day.

Balls. One old cracked broomball that we let Charlie play with, and one small Ohio State football that we gave Charlie for Christmas. We let Charlie bring them with him for the car ride once upon a time, and now there they sit, on the floor of the backseat. They are buddies with the rubber fire truck bath toy that they share the space with.

A magazine. For kids. Taken by Charlie to look at on the way to school one day, before he decided that he would give it to me, so I could "look at it at work." If only I had the time-- a few pictures of cute little animals might give me some calming peace in the middle of my hectic day.

CD cases. One for a kiddie music CD, one for the book on CD that I've been listening to when the kids are not in the car. Because that is the only way I get to read books these days. (I've been in the middle of the same paperback since February.)

Cookies. A bag of mini Lorna Doones, to be exact, sitting on the front seat in case I pick up Charlie from school and he looks up at me and asks "you got something for me to eat?" Because I am, after all, put on this earth to make sure that Charlie is never hungry or thirsty, even for 10 seconds.

Reusable grocery bags. Lots of them. All over the trunk. If I don't keep them in the car, I'll forget to take them to the store.

A pacifier. Liam must have had 7 of them at daycare, so they sent an extra one home with me the other day when I dropped off. And now there it sits, in my cup holder. Maybe I'll leave it there for emergencies. For me. When I think I'm going cuckoo and want to cry.

The car is currently free of empty Starbucks cups, and at least the floor is not completely covered with goldfish crackers or fruit loops, but I still feel like I drive around in clutter all of the time. I was never a person who had a lot of items in my car-- until I became a busy working mother of two.

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