Friday, May 14, 2010

Officially a PreSchooler

Charlie is now officially a preschool student. He made it through his transition this week rather smoothly. In his new room, they just started a unit on "Family." Charlie named the members of his family, but sadly, left out Lucy, apparently. When asked what he likes to do with his family, he said "play games." Funny, until getting three board games for his birthday, I am not so sure that would have been his response! But he sure does like them, even if he only has the patience to get half way through. Gifts like the Star Wars sheets and pajamas that we were so excited to give him didn't even get a second look. He just set those aside. But I can understand-- trumped by toys!

Charlie talks about wanting to be with his friends in the toddler room, and I'm sure he'll miss them, but he seems to be acclimating well to his new surroundings and all the routines of the new room. He talks a lot about the big playground he gets to play on now, and the fact that in preschool, you leave your shoes on when you nap ("That's silly!" he says.) Tonight he came home, held up seven fingers, and talked about how there are seven days in the week. He couldn't tell us what day it was today, but he was obviously excited about the new things he's learning.

Liam has been home the remainder of the week with his diarrhea. John and I alternated days working from home, and remained semi-productive. Today was a pretty good day-- almost solid diapers. I jumped ahead of my plan this week and fed Liam bananas (I'd not yet worked my way through all of the veggies, and had not planned to start the sweet fruits quite yet) and although they took some getting used to, he was gulping them down eagerly by last night. Bananas were always one of Charlie's favorites.

I'm looking forward to date night at the baseball game tomorrow, and then we have two more 3-year-old birthday parties to attend on Sunday. It will be another busy weekend.

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